
Meet David

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David Kim is a children’s court attorney, activist and former neighborhood board council member serving in his Los Angeles Community, currently running for U.S. Congress in CA’s 34th Congressional District as a grassroots challenger candidate. He ran this past 2022 general election cycle for the same seat, and won 49% of the general election votes, against the corporate-backed incumbent. David is running to fight special interests and win back power for the people.

Why I’m Running

My lived experiences as a children’s court attorney have led me to an undeniable conclusion: people aren’t getting their basic needs met. Many of the parents entering the halls of children’s court are there as a product of poverty, resource deprivation, and a government failing to support their needs. I communicate with and represent these parents in court every day. These are families who live and wake up in poverty without the financial means to represent themselves or navigate the judicial system. 

My work as a lawyer, at its core, is a constant fight for justice in marginalized communities. Whether investigating corruption, fighting for labor rights, or defending immigrants, I’ve been exposed to how policies can harm or uplift our most vulnerable neighbors. I’m running for Congress because we need a leader who will truly serve the people, and not powerful corporate special interests. It’s time for a paradigm shift, to put the power back in the hands of the people. 

I know what it’s like to be buried in debt, working 2-3 jobs to survive. Grit and determination often aren’t enough to get you through hard times. Americans deserve a safety net that protects their basic needs. 

As a pastor’s son, I served as an English language interpreter at the age of 8 for Korean church members who couldn’t afford an advocate and needed a representative to navigate basic systems. My entire career has been fueled by a desire to help those who need a voice.

I am running because our current representative, the incumbent, drowns out the voices of his constituents in CA-34, preferring to listen to the directions of the wealthy few. 

  • He takes 98.8% of his money from large donors and corporate PACs 
  • He receives donations from healthcare companies, pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturers and debt collectors. These are the companies that have influence over how he votes and what kinds of bills he authors. 

I am running a 100% clean-money campaign because I know it’s time to put our community first. People are suffering, but corporate incumbents like our current representative keep falling in line with the established political machine in Washington. We need bold leaders who will serve with a true heart of public service. We’ve had enough of self-service politics. It’s time for people-centered and people-powered politics.

It’s time for us.